As promised, the Responsive Joomla template for Social - JA Social is now compatible with the latest version of T3 Framework. The template is also ready to rock and roll with the latest version of JomSocial 3.0.1

Tincidunt Sed Ut hendrerit ipsum vitae Quisque sapien facilisi et ac. Id justo Proin urna dapibus ligula Nullam dui consectetuer Curabitur et. Et vel at neque amet et nibh accumsan In magnis et. Id Nulla orci congue a nibh vel Curabitur tincidunt Curabitur ornare. Laoreet Nullam a pretium et et pretium a sed.

JA Social also inherits all the other amazing features that T3 Framework supports. For more detail on the update, please read at its changelog and remember to ALWAYS back-up your site before proceeding to any of the update process

This responsive Joomla template is shipped the following great features:
  • Filter Tag Cloud (applied for Joomla 3 only)
  • Supports Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0
  • Supports Mega Menu
  • Supports RTL language
  • Supports K2
  • Supports Kunena

Download Changelog

Please discuss any issues related to these updates at the JA Social template forum.

Watch out for other T3 Framework updates by bookmarking the Updates section. The next in line is JA Teline IV (woohoo!!!).

Previous T3v3 Framework compatible templates:

Sed morbi pede eget lorem vel id et amet est eros. Dapibus pharetra hendrerit Vestibulum Lorem cursus risus tincidunt natoque at non. Tempor sed pretium Donec hendrerit pretium a justo Donec amet wisi. Libero semper nunc suscipit Vestibulum Aenean tempor congue congue nulla mauris. Et quis purus Donec interdum at Cras sit ut lorem elit. Sodales congue Ut Duis Vestibulum tristique ut dui pede Quisque Nam. Augue velit.

Quisque dui netus Phasellus ligula tellus enim Phasellus euismod leo Phasellus. Nisl et massa turpis mollis Vestibulum nulla justo leo Nullam quis. Volutpat tellus eros amet semper a metus eu libero auctor dis. Suspendisse augue sagittis Phasellus turpis parturient Sed vel dictum auctor dis. Molestie dictum Vestibulum rhoncus Vestibulum quis a Nullam sapien neque dui. Et est nulla est Vivamus.

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